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Bill Cahan is a contemporary San Francisco painter known for his iconic, abstract geometric landscapes and light and space exploration. His approach to representing the world is heavily influenced by his early training and work.
He studied and practiced as an architect—then founded one of the world’s most original, influential, and respected design firms, Cahan & Associates.
His work has garnered over 2,800 awards for design excellence and is featured in the permanent collections of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum, the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, the Library of Congress, Museum Fur Kunst Und Gewerbe, and the SFMOMA, which showcased his work in a special exhibition.
Addy Awards, San Francisco
AFF 14th District American Advertising Awards
AIGA Design of Understanding
AIGA Cover Show
Advertising and Design Club of Canada, Toronto
American Center for Design, Chicago
American Corporate Identity
American Design Century
American Graphic Design Awards
American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York
Applied Arts Magazine, Toronto
AR100, New York
Annual Report Design and Art Direction, London
Annual Showcase of Print Excellence
Art Directors Club, New York
Black Book Awards, New York
Brand Design 50
British Design and Art Direction, London
The Clio Awards
Coupe Magazine, Toronto
Creative Review, London
Creativity Design Annual
Critique Magazine, Los Angeles
The Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Awards
Communication Arts, Palo Alto CA
Financial World’s 56th Annual Report Competition
Galaxy Awards
Global Corporate Identity
Graphis, New York
How Magazine, Cincinnati
I.D. Magazine, New York
Innovative Design Awards
London International Advertising Awards
New York Festivals Print and Advertising Awards
New Typographics
The One Show, New York
Photo District News, New York
Print Magazine, New York
The San Francisco Show
Society of Publication Designers, New York
STEP Inside Design Magazine, New York
Studio Magazine, Toronto
Tokyo Type Directors Club
Type Directors Club, New York
USA American Graphic Design Awards
Western Art Directors Club, San Francisco
Vision Awards Annual Report Competition
ADDY Awards
The Advertising and Design Club of Canada
AIGA 365
AIGA Communication Graphics
The American Center for Design Annuals
The Annual American Photography Annuals
Applied Arts Magazine, Canada
AR100 Annuals
Art Director’s Club Annuals
Art Directors Club of Toronto
Best of Brochure Design
Breaking the Rules of Graphic Design
British Design and Art Direction
Chicago Athenaeum Museum of
Architecture and Design
Communication Arts Magazine and Design Annuals
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum Permanent Collection
Coupe Magazine Design Annuals, Canada
Colossal Design
Creative Review Magazine, London
Critique Magazine, The Big Crit
Geschaftsberichte finest facts and figures,
the definitive work for the conception and
design of annual reports
Fast Company
Fresh Ideas in Brochure Design
Graphis Magazine and Annuals
Graphis Photo Annuals
Graphic Design USA
How Magazine and Annuals
I.D. Magazine and Annuals
International ARC Awards
International Brand Packaging Awards
Library of Congress
London International Advertising Directory
Mead Annual Report Show
Mohawk Show
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Permanent Collection
National and International Art Directors Club
.net Magazine, UK
New York Festivals Annual
One & Two Color Graphics
One Hundred Show
One Show Annual
Paradise Now: Picturing the Genetic
Revolution at Exit Art, New York
Photo District News PIX Magazine
Potlatch Annual Report Show
Print Magazine and Annuals
Printing Industries of America
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Architecture and Design
Society of Publication Designers Annuals
Step Inside Design Magazine and Annuals
Studio Magazine and Annuals, Canada
Type Directors Club Annuals
U.S.A Today
Web Site Design Awards
West Coast Show